Residential Provision awarded GOOD by Ofsted
We are very proud to announce that we have had our results from the recent Ofsted inspection for our Residential provision. We have maintained our overall outcome as GOOD, for the second year in a row, and our dedicated team are looking forward to building upon this. Well done everyone!
We are so pleased to share with you the outcome of our most recent Ofsted inspection which took place last term.
Comments from the report include:
- Children are happy and comfortable in the houses. They interact positively with the staff and are clearly familiar with them. Staff form trusting and respectful relationships with the children. They help the children to settle into routines. This increases the children’s independence and helps them to take part more fully in daily activities. For example, staff have supported one pupil with a healthy sleep routine, which has increased his ability to engage in his school day.
- Leaders and managers work across the houses and the school to improve the children’s daily experiences. They create opportunities for the children to increase their friendship groups and take part in joint activities. For example, Year 11 pupils are invited to stay in the houses, where they take responsibility for tasks such as cooking and organising trips out. This has increased the children’s confidence and lesson attendance. This ongoing project receives positive feedback from the wider school community, including the children’s families.
- Leaders and managers provide consistent safeguarding guidance and support to staff and children. This helps children feel equally treated and supports a strong open culture in the school community. For example, managers hold Internet safety days which the children’s parents are invited to participate in, to put in place the same safety measures at home as at school.
- Children trust and like staff. They share their worries with them and listen to their advice. Staff mostly manage individual risks associated with a child’s behaviour well. These are followed up sensitively in conversations with the child.
- Staff are committed and enthusiastic. They enjoy their work. They share their skills across the site. For example, residential staff will also support day children at school. Staff have effective daily handover discussions between school and the residential houses about the children’s well-being. This helps staff provide a consistent response to the children’s needs.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residential team on behalf of the school. I feel very proud to work with such a dedicated team and look forward to making and deciding our next steps together.
Well done everyone!"
Nicola Jones, Headteacher