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School Uniform

Our school uniform has been chosen following consultation with pupils, parents, staff and Governors.

We hope all pupils of Orchard Manor will be proud to wear our school uniform.  The wearing of school uniform is an important part of school life and we depend on parent and carers to ensure that pupils wear it at all times.

School Dress Code

Requirements for school dress are based upon a consideration of health, safety, neatness, cleanliness and suitability for work at school.  We strive to create a beautiful learning environment in the classrooms and would like the pupils’ attitude towards uniform to be in keeping with this.

Each pupil should be able to move freely without the restriction of unsuitable clothing.  Long hair should be tied back.  Each pupil should be free from commercial pressure, and be accepted for who they are rather than judged by what they wear.  For these reasons we expect each parent to take responsibility for ensuring that their child is dressed in accordance with the school dress code and our uniform policy. 

In summary the following points apply to all pupils throughout the school:

  • Uniform should be tidy and clean, suitable for school activities.
  • All uniform should be smart (not torn) or excessively worn.
  • If not purchasing the jumper from Brigade, then all clothing should be plain i.e. no logos, slogans, pictures or printed images.
  • Pupils should dress appropriately for the weather e.g. tights or trousers after autumn half term.
  • No bare midriffs/shoulders.
  • Skirts and shorts need to reach half way down the thigh even if worn with leggings.
  • Jewellery (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants, brooches) should not be worn.  A wristwatch and a single stud in each ear are permitted.  No other piercings.  One charity wristband may be worn.
  • Children should not have extreme hairstyles and colours and long hair should be tied back.
  • Trousers need to be fastened at the waist, i.e. no sagging trousers. Underwear must not be visible.
  • Make up, including nail varnish, should not be worn until year 10, when natural looking makeup and nail varnish is allowed.
  • Pupils should wear strong black leather shoes with a firm sole to encourage healthy development of feet. Failing this, plain black trainers are permitted.
  • Coats, jackets, hats and hoods should not be worn inside the school building.

Some of our children have sensory issues.  You may wish to discuss this with your child’s teacher if this has an impact on the uniform they are able to wear.  We will consider reasonable requests to meet the needs of any individual pupil to accommodate their religion or belief, ethnicity, disability or other special considerations.  

Parents may get a telephone call or letter home if your child is without appropriate uniform.

Orchard Manor School Uniform EYFS and Key Stage 1 and 2 (Years 1-6)
  • Plain black trousers, plain black jogging bottoms, knee length black skirt or plain black tailored shorts black pinafore dress.
  • White short or long sleeved polo shirt or school shirt.Polo shirts with the school logo are available through the online website.  Alternatively, pupils can wear plain white polo shirts.
  • Green and white checked Summer dresses, available through most high street stores.
  • Charcoal grey, round-neck school sweatshirt or cardigan.
  • Black or grey woollen tights or plain black school socks, white socks for the girls in Summer uniform.
  • Plain black shoes or plain black trainers.
Orchard Manor School Uniform Key Stage 3 and 4 (Years 7-11)
  • Plain black trousers, plain black jogging bottoms, knee length black skirt or plain black tailored shorts.
  • White short or long sleeved school shirt.
  • Green and white checked Summer dresses, available through most high street stores.
  • Charcoal grey V-neck school jumper or cardigan.
  • Black or grey woollen tights or plain black school socks, white socks for the girls in Summer uniform.
  • Plain black shoes or plain black trainers.
  • Pupils may choose to wear a black, school blazer.
  • Pupils may choose to wear a school tie.
PE Kit – Both
  • Trainers or appropriate footwear.
  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms.
  • OMS Sports T shirt - various colours
  • Sweatshirt, tracksuit top or waterproof training top.
  • Children will be advised on clothing needed for outdoor education and swimming each ½ term.

ALL items of clothing need to be clearly named to ensure that they stay with the right pupil.  The school reserves the right to discreetly name any item of clothing that has not been identified.  This will normally be done using a permanent black marker on the clothing label.  If you do not wish us to do this, then please identify clothing before it arrives in school.

If you have any queries regarding uniform please contact the school.

Purchasing Orchard Manor School Uniform

Sports Uniform

Sports uniform can be bought here Orchard Manor School (

We are changing the school PE uniform which will be more comfortable to wear. It will be printed with the school logo instead of embroidered which will reduce the sensory issues that we have seen in the past.

The colours available are Red, Green, Blue and Black. The student can choose whichever colour he or she prefers.

This is a phased change. These new shirts are not compulsory and should only be bought when you need to get NEW uniform. Until then children may continue to wear a white top and black bottoms for PE.

You will see that you may buy optional extras including OMS tracksuit and shorts. We reiterate that these are OPTIONAL and do not form part of the compulsory uniform.

If you have any questions please contact Danielle Davies via the school email or telephone number.

School Uniform

Brigade supplies our school uniform with our Orchard Manor Logo. 

To ensure you have your uniform order processed and delivered for the beginning of the Autumn term please refer to the Brigade website for the last date for ordering.  

To place an order please log onto  Once you are on the home page, click on the “parents order here” button.  Once you have been taken to the parent’s direct page, select Orchard Manor from the drop down menu.  Click “continue” which will take you into the ordering page.