Mobile Phones and Devices
We have been reviewing our use of mobile phones and have been listening to feedback from the staff, our pupils, and you as parents, about how we can have a safe, responsible environment for our pupils.
Our existing policy states the following:
Pupils are permitted to bring a mobile phone /mobile electronic devices to school, to support them during safe and calm transport to school.
All mobile phones /mobile electronic devices should be named and be handed into the appropriate tutor/ teacher at morning registration then collected at the end of the day.
If parents want their child to bring a phone and/ or mobile device, it is on the understanding that they agree with the following limitations on use, namely:
- Devices are not permitted to film, photograph or record anyone on school grounds.
- The phone will be kept locked in the tutor room or house if residential during the day.
- The school will not be held responsible for the security of a mobile phone brought into school
We know that that most of our pupils can manage their phones and devices responsibly, making good choices throughout the day. However, a small minority have struggled to follow the expectations of the school leading to disrupted learning and negative behaviours that sometimes lead to safeguarding challenges.
We want to encourage our students to have a healthy and responsible attitude to the use of mobile phones devices and so we are proposing a fair and balanced way forward.
These are additions to our existing practice based on our findings:
- Mobile phones must be turned off in the taxi and placed in bags.
- Mobile phones must not be used at any time during the school day.
- Mobile phones can only be used in taxis to and from school.
- If students wish to hand in their phone, it can be recharged before collection.
- Clear guidance for pupils, parents, and staff is available to support a consistent approach in managing misuse.
These are the school sanctions for mobile phone misuse during the school day whilst on school property.
We ask that you support us by:
Reminding your child about the expectations and rules.
Supporting us in enforcing the behaviour policy. We will contact you throughout the process if your child is misusing their phone. You may be asked to attend a meeting and collect your child and their phone after school hours.
If you need to contact your child during the school day, please go through the school reception and not contact your child directly. This can be very distracting for pupils.
Reassure your children that if they want to speak with you then we will arrange for a quiet place to call.
Use the posters to support you if you need to.