Exam Courses
We offer the following accredited courses at Orchard Manor School:
- English
- Science (Single and Double award)
- Maths
- Art and Design
- Geography
- History
- Business studies
- History
Functional Skills
- English (entry level 1, 2 and 3, Level 1 and Level 2)
- Maths (entry level 1, 2 and 3, Level 1 and 2)
- Science
- English
- Maths
- Home Cooking level 1 and 2
- Construction level 1
- Sport
- Personal Development Bronze, Silver and Gold
- Short Course BV
- Short Course PSHE
- Short Corse Languages
- OCR life and living skills
- Creative IMedia
- Certificate in Digital Appliances
- Level 1 project
- Level 2 project
- French Written
- Skills and activities for sports
Number and Measure level 1 and 2 (done in year 9)
- English
- Science (Single and Double award)
- Maths
- Art and Design
- Geography
- History
- Business studies
- History
Functional Skills
- English (entry level 1, 2 and 3, Level 1 and Level 2)
- Maths (entry level 1, 2 and 3, Level 1 and 2)
- Science
- English
- Maths
- Home Cooking level 1 and 2
- Construction level 1
- Sport
- Personal Development Bronze, Silver and Gold
- Short Course BV
- Short Course PSHE
- Short Course Languages
- OCR life and living skills
- Creative IMedia
- Certificate in Digital Appliances
- Level 1 project
- Level 2 project
- French Written
- Skills and activities for sports
Number and Measure level 1 and 2 (done in year 9)