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Our Governors

The Local Governing Body is formed with a committed and dedicated team of hardworking governors from all parts of our local and wider community.

We are a varied group including local business people, parents, educationalists and other professionals. It is our responsibility, in cooperation with the school's Headteacher, to provide the support and structure that enables students to have the highest standards in both their education and care.

The Local Governing Body provides challenge and support for the School Leadership Team on:

  • Monitoring effectiveness of provision and school improvement (including; Pupil Premium, Sport Grant)
  • Safeguarding
  • Well-being
  • Representing views of school-based community stakeholders

We are a strong and committed team, offering our collective experience and expertise through guidance and support to enable the ongoing development of Orchard Manor School. Our unifying thread is our passion for Orchard Manor School.  We are excited by the innovative and high quality education and care that Orchard Manor provides for the young people in our community and the wider community of Dawlish.

As a Local Governing Body, we are here to nurture this growth and ensure the continuity of the high level of provision made by the school.

If you need to contact the Chair of Governors - Maggie Carter

By Post: c/o Orchard Manor School, John Nash Drive, Dawlish, Devon EX7 9SF
Email: Clerk to Governors
Telephone: 01626 862363  Clerk to Governors

If you wish to see information for Special Partnership Governance please click here