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Parent Reporting Absence Process

Planned Absence: 

If you have a planned absence, you will need to contact school and complete a planned absence request form which is below.  Except in exceptional circumstances (e.g., medical appointments) absences will be unauthorised.  

Absence on the Day:  

If your child is absent on a day due to illness contact the school office 01626 862363 and select option 6.  You will need to phone in every day of absence unless otherwise informed by school.  

Pupil Leave of Absence in Exceptional Circumstances

The Department of Education has made amendments to the 2006 regulations. These make it clear that Head Teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. In the light of these changes parents and carers need to be aware that it will no longer be possible to authorise leave of absence unless the ‘exceptional circumstances’ have been explained. Reasons such as "cheaper in term time" or "more convenient" are no longer acceptable.