The Admissions Process
Orchard Manor School is a special school that caters for nearly 200 students aged 4-19. We also have an outstanding residential provision.
We provide education and care for pupils with communication and interaction difficulties, Autistic spectrum conditions and learning needs.
Pupils attend either weekly residentially (Monday – Friday) or as day pupils.
Admission to our School
- Every child or young person admitted to Orchard Manor School has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
- As a maintained school, Orchard Manor is not authorised to offer placements, places are commissioned by the Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 0-25 team and can only be offered by them.
- The SEND 0-25 team specify the provision required for individual pupils and how education, health and care services will work together to meet a pupil’s needs and support the achievement of agreed outcomes for each pupil.
If you have any questions about the admissions to special schools process please contact the SEND 0-25 team at County Hall in Exeter (01392 383000).
You are very welcome to book a tour to see our school by clicking here